I had the pleasure to create the styleframes for an explainer video about the Nutritional Paradox together with Bureau Dynamo. Agency: matter Digitalagentur GmbH Production: Bureau Dynamo Concept & Text: David Oerter, Patrick Langwallner Direction: David Oerter Illustration: Jill Goritschnig Animation: David Oerter Speaker: Raven & Finch We live in a paradoxical situation where we are producing and eating more food, but we are hungrier than ever. Our global agricultural systems and food systems are broken. Today, people find it difficult to eat foods that are rich in micronutrients even if they have enough calories to eat. We feed people with the wrong balance of macronutrients and micronutrients resulting in global malnutrition and creating the so-called “hidden hunger”. The Nutritional Paradox describes the multiple ways in which our agri- and food systems are broken, often in absurd paradoxical ways, leading to a Quadruple Burden on our people and our planet. Together we can tackle the Nutritional Paradox!